Conditioned drying of seeds in drying rooms
In areas with a high humidity level, drying with outside air is very limited. The drying process of seed with crop (‘on straw’) proceeds slowly and demands a lot of energy. Closed cells with a cooling-drying installation (heat pump) provide a solution and save a lot of energy. The cells are built around the drying installation.
Depending on the needs and use, the lay-out and measurements of the cells are determined: 1 or more row of boxes per cell or 1 large cell with drying on 2 sides, 3-4-5-6 boxes stacked high. Volumes up to 30 or 40 m³ per row are possible.
The advanced ABC processor controls the whole installation and dries the MAP to the desired moisture content; the most suitable (dry) air (outside or inside air) is suctioned. The air will be cooled down to achieve the desired Absolute Moisture Content (AH, in gr/kg of air) of the air, using condensation.
In narrow cells or wide cooling-drying units, the outlet hatches are placed behind the inlet hatches.